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it's so good to meet you!
Tell us about yourself!
We would love to get to know you! Click the link below to tell us who you are and how we can get in touch with you!
Welcome home
No matter where you're from or where you've been we hope that First Lubbock can be a place you can call home. Every Sunday we gather together as a family to worship, learn, and grow together. Here's what you can expect to see on a Sunday Morning:
Every Sunday morning we have two worship services at 8:15 and 11:00. Our 8:15 service features traditional hymns and our 11:00 is a modern worship service with contemporary worship songs. We invite you to join us for either one!
Small Group Bible Study:
In between those worship services, we hold a 9:30 Small Group Bible Study hour where people in the same walk of life can gather together in biblical community to encourage one another, dive deeper into The Word, and pray. You can find a list of our Young Adult and 55+ Adult classes by clicking one of the links below!
during the week
In addition to our Sunday Morning experience, we offer opportunities to gather together during the week. Here are some things we do on a regular basis to help people connect with God and each other.
During the Fall and Spring semesters we offer activities and studies for all ages on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:30pm. Each week our Kids and Youth have age-specific teachings, worship, and a whole lot of fun playing together. Each semester has a new lineup of studies for adults. A meal is offered each week at 5:15pm for $5/person.
Throughout the school year, college students are invited to join us on Thursday nights at 8:00pm to worship and hear a message from our College Pastor.
There is always an opportunity to serve at First Lubbock. In addition to foreign and domestic mission trips, First Lubbock has weekly service opportunities to meet the needs of those in our community. Please visit to learn more and get involved!
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