Tell us a bit about yourself. When did you come to First Lubbock?
My wife and I joined First Lubbock in 2007 as church members, and in 2008 we were called as the Minister of Missions and Buckner Initiatives. I am married to Lisa Ramirez, a Lubbock native, and we have two cats, Gracie Mae and Jonah.
What are the last three books you've read?
Crucial Conversations by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switler
Simplify by Bill Hybels
Free to Live by John Eldridge
What's your favorite place you've visited?
San Diego and Budapest
Other than Jesus, what historical figure would you most like to meet?
R.C. Buckner - the founder of Buckner International
What are a few of your hobbies?
Spending time with the love of my life and playing golf.
What do you love most about First Lubbock?
I love my church family and the privilege of getting to serve those in our community with this great body of people. First Lubbock and our Sunday school class have become our second family.
What would you say to a guest to encourage them on their journey to finding a church home?
In 2007 Lisa and I chose First Lubbock to be our church home. It felt like home the first time we visited on a Sunday night. The misconceptions that you have may heard about First Lubbock you will discover are not true. In 2008 I was given the privilege to serve in this church in my current position, and I have zero regrets. This is a great team to join if you are looking to invest in those who we will find outside the walls of this church, and with confidence I can say that you will not regret it.