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Our Covid-19


re-gathering phase 3

Through much consideration, we are beyond excited to announce the next step in our ReGathering process!  Phase 3 will begin on Sunday, February 21st, and is a large step towards normalcy as all Adult Bible Study Classes will begin meeting onsite every week. 


Classes will no longer be meeting on an alternating schedule.  We have evaluated our classroom spaces and have determined a vast majority of classes will meet in their usual spaces, however, some will need to move to larger rooms.  Please refer to the list of adult classes to see the meeting rooms.


Additionally, Phase 3 will be a return to our normal worship gatherings at 8:15am and 11:00am, meaning we will no longer have a 9:30am gathering.  During worship gatherings we will continue to utilize every other pew and ask each household sit 6 feet apart. 


Through Phase 3 we will continue to follow COVID safety guidelines including: practicing social distancing, limiting close-contact, and sanitizing hands often. We do still encourage all to wear a mask as well.  During Phase 3, we will not be able to open our drink stations or serve donuts on Sundays.


Of course, if you are unable to attend in person, we welcome you to worship with us virtually through the live-stream services at 8:15am or 11:00am each Sunday morning.


We have been looking forward to this next phase of reGathering and are hopeful these changes will allow you to experience community more often.  Please help us by sharing this exciting change as you have the opportunity.  Thank you for continuing to love your neighbor and strive to stay Lubbock Safe!

staying connected

We have a few ways you can continue to worship with us over the coming weeks and months.

  • Catch the live stream of our worship services at:



    • Go to the FirstLubbock App, click service times, and select "Progressions"

  • Channel 22 (MyLubbockTV) will air last week's service every Sunday.

  • View the library of all of our previous services by visiting our YouTube page (

In addition to worshipping with us you can also stay connected by following our social media pages. Over the coming weeks we will be sharing:

  • Bobby Dagnel's Daily Devotionals

  • Worship Service Recaps

  • Sermon Clips

Twitter: @firstlubbock | Instagram: @firstlubbock | Facebook:

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