Dr. Suzie Liner
Pastor Search Committee
First Baptist Church
2201 Broadway Street
Lubbock, Texas 79401
Dear Applicant:
The Pastor Seach Committee of First Baptist Church Lubbock is excited that you have chosen to apply for our position of Senior Pastor. Our committee was elected by our church to oversee the search and represents a wide cross section of our membership. The committee and membership are praying earnestly for this search and the new Senior Pastor that our Lord is even now preparing to shepherd us into the future. This application site holds two important documents, the Pastor Profile and the Church Profile, which you should review before you apply. We look forward to reviewing your application so that we can learn about your life and ministry.
Your application to us should include the application form, your resume, a separate statement explaining why you have applied for the position, a list of three references (to include individuals from your current and past ministries), and a recommendation letter from someone who is not on your list of references. This recommendation letter should be sent to pscchair@firstlubbock.org separately by the person who authors the letter. Please include contact information for your references, but know that we will not contact anyone, including your references, regarding your application without your consent. Confidentiality of the search process is of utmost importance to our committee. Please note that communication with me should be through my email address, sliner@firstlubbock.org.
Dr. Suzie Liner